TAILIEUCHUNG - Performance of silkworm on tree mulberry, Morus alba L.

A study was undertaken in farmer’s field condition by utilizing established five tree mulberry gardens of one-year-old and above and one bush mulberry garden as a control in each of the Chikkaballapura and Kolar Districts. The silkworm hybrids namely PM×CSR2 in Chikkaballapura cluster and double hybrid (FC1×FC2) in Kolar cluster were reared on leaves harvested from both tree and bush mulberry plantations and economic parameters were recorded. The silkworms reared on leaves harvested from tree mulberry leaves expressed significant differences compared to those batches reared on bush mulberry except for shell ratio in Kolar district. The larval ( and g), cocoon ( and g), shell ( and g) and pupal weights ( and g) and shell ratio ( and ), respectively in Chikkaballapura and Kolar Districts were significantly maximum in the batches fed with tree mulberry leaves. The fifth instar larval duration was recorded to be shorter when reared on tree mulberry leaves ( and h) and the cocoon yield was comparatively maximum when worms fed with leaves of tree mulberry [ and kg/100 Disease Free Layings (DFLs)], respectively in Chikkaballapura and Kolar Districts. | Original Research Article https Performance of Silkworm on Tree Mulberry Morus alba L. C. Vanitha and . Narayanaswamy Department of Sericulture College of Agriculture University of Agricultural Sciences GKVK Campus Bengaluru - 560 065 India Corresponding author ABSTRACT Keywords Tree mulberry Silkworm performance Economic parameters Article Info Accepted 15 March 2019 Available Online 10 April 2019 A study was undertaken in farmer s field condition by utilizing established five tree mulberry gardens of one-year-old and above and one bush mulberry garden as a control in each of the Chikkaballapura and Kolar Districts. The silkworm hybrids namely PM CSR2 in Chikkaballapura cluster and double hybrid FC1xFC2 in Kolar cluster were reared on leaves harvested from both tree and bush mulberry plantations and economic parameters were recorded. The silkworms reared on leaves harvested from tree mulberry leaves expressed significant differences compared to those batches reared on bush mulberry except for shell ratio in Kolar district. The larval and g cocoon and g shell and g and pupal weights and g and shell ratio and respectively in Chikkaballapura and Kolar Districts were significantly maximum in the batches fed with tree mulberry leaves. The fifth instar larval duration was recorded to be shorter when reared on tree mulberry leaves and h and the cocoon yield was comparatively maximum when worms fed with leaves of tree mulberry and kg 100 Disease Free Layings DFLs respectively in Chikkaballapura and Kolar Districts. Introduction Silk a highly priced agricultural commodity accounts for about per cent of the total World production of textile fibers. Silk is the cultural heritage of India and Sericulture is an agro-based industry wherein the money flows from rich to poor. India is the second largest producer of raw silk and also has the distinction of .

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