TAILIEUCHUNG - Tuyển chọn và phát triển giống lúa cực sớm để thâm canh tăng vụ, né lũ, mặn cho tỉnh Trà Vinh
Bài viết đề cập về nghiên cứu chọn giống lúa với thời gian sinh trưởng ngắn để thâm canh, tăng vụ/năm và tránh lũ lụt cũng như nhiễm mặn. Đối với trồng lúa ở tỉnh Trà Vinh. Chín giống lúa mới với thời gian sinh trưởng ngắn được chọn và chọn bởi Cửu Lúa đồng bằng dài. Viện nghiên cứu đã được sử dụng làm nguyên liệu để kiểm tra và đánh giá giống ở vùng đất nhiễm mặn. | VIỆN KHOA HỌC NÔNG NGHIỆP VIỆT NAM TUYỂN CHỌN VÀ PHÁT TRIỂN GIỐNG LÚA CỰC SỚM ĐỂ THÂM CANH TĂNG VỤ, NÉ LŨ, MẶN CHO TỈNH TRÀ VINH Trần Đình Giỏi, Lê Thị Dự và Phạm Văn Sơn Viện Lúa đồng bằng sông Cửu Long SUMMARY Research on rice variety selection with short growth duration for intensive cultivation, to increase crops/year and to avoid floods as well as salinity for rice cultivation in Tra Vinh province Twenty nine new rice varieties with short growth duration bred and selected by Cuu Long Delta Rice Research Institute were used as materials for variety testing and evaluation in salt effected soil area of Da Loc, Chau Thanh and alluvial area with three rice crops per year of Binh Phu, Cang Long, Tra Vinh, in both dry and wet seasons of 2009-2010. These varieties were screened for resistance to Brown Plant Hopper (BPH), Leaf Blast, and grain quality analysis. At least 2 rice varieties were found with very early maturity, high yield, resistant to BPH, Leaf Blast, good grain quality, and suitable for 3 crops per year of Tra Vinh alluvial area, such as OM5451 and OM8923. Three other rice varieties were ditermined with early maturity (95-100 days), high yield, and adaptation with 3-4 month salt effected soil area of Tra Vinh province. They were OM6976, OM6377 and OM5464. The studies on nitrogen supplied dose for these new rice varieties were conducted, and the dose of 60-80 kgN/ha suitable to group of very early rice varieties (OM5451 and OM8923) in wet season were defined, while the early maturity varieties had good response to 80 kgN/ha dose. In dry season, the 80 kgN/ha dose was appropriate to very early rice varieties, and the early varieties were suitable to 100 kgN/ha dose. Seed rate density of these rice varieties were also surveyed in both dry and wet seasons. The seed rate from 50-125 kg/ha did not affect to yield yield components and grain yield of all these 5 varieties, but the seed rate of 75-100 kg/ha was recommended to prevent weed competition and damage .
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