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Báo cáo khoa hoc : Proteomic reactors and their applications in biology

Đang chuẩn bị nút TẢI XUỐNG, xin hãy chờ

Proteomic analysis requires the combination of an extensive suite of tech-nologies including protein processing and separation, micro-flow HPLC, MS and bioinformatics. Although proteomic technologies are still in flux, approaches that bypass gel electrophoresis (gel-free approaches) are domi-nating the field of proteomics. | IFEBS Journal REVIEW ARTICLE Proteomic reactors and their applications in biology Hu Zhou1 2 3 Zhibin Ning1 2 Fangjun Wang1 2 4 Deeptee Seebun1 2 and Daniel Figeys1 2 1 Ottawa Institute of Systems Biology OISB University of Ottawa ON Canada 2 Department of Biochemistry Microbiology and Immunology University of Ottawa ON Canada 3 Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica Chinese Academy of Sciences China 4 Key Lab of Separation Sciences for AnalyticalChemistry Dalian Institute of ChemicalPhysics China Keywords fractionation immobilized enzyme reactor liquid chromatography mass spectrometry microfluidic post-translationalmodification proteomic reactor proteomics strong anion exchange strong cation exchange Correspondence D. Figeys Department of Biochemistry Microbiology and Immunology University of Ottawa 451 Smyth Road Ottawa ON Canada K1H 8M5 Fax 1 613 562 5655 Tel 1 613 562 5800 ext 8674 E-mail dfigeys@uottawa.ca Proteomic analysis requires the combination of an extensive suite of technologies including protein processing and separation micro-flow HPLC MS and bioinformatics. Although proteomic technologies are still in flux approaches that bypass gel electrophoresis gel-free approaches are dominating the field of proteomics. Along with the development of gel-free proteomics came the development of devices for the processing of proteomic samples termed proteomic reactors. These microfluidic devices provide rapid robust and efficient pre-MS sample procession by performing protein sample preparation concentration digestion and peptide fractionation. The proteomic reactor has advanced in two major directions immobilized enzyme reactor and ion exchange-based proteomic reactor. This review summarizes the technical developments and biological applications of the proteomic reactor over the last decade. Note Hu Zhou and Zhibin Ning contributed equally to this review Received 10 May 2011 revised 27 July 2011 accepted 4 August 2011 doi 10.1111 j.1742-4658.2011.08292.x .

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