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Kaplan toefl ibt fourth edition part 17

Đang chuẩn bị nút TẢI XUỐNG, xin hãy chờ

Tham khảo tài liệu 'kaplan toefl ibt fourth edition part 17', ngoại ngữ, toefl - ielts - toeic phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả | 104 I TOEFL er Practice Review 37. Which of the following best cxpiesses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in paragraph 3 Incorrect answer choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information. O Chinas export dependency has weakened its ability to develop a strong domestic market. O China needs to attract more foreign investors before it can achieve the U.S. s economic strength. G Whether China s economy continues to grow will depend a great deal on its ability to increase exports. O China s economy is too reliant on outside economic forces and it can t enjoy the strengths of the ILS. economy until it improves domestically. 3 . Which of the following best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in paragraph 4 Incorrect answer choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information. O China s rapid growth provides a real challenge to the U.S. s economic supremacy. O Fear of China has been growing in the United States. due to China s rapid economic growth. O While Chinas economy is growing quickly it will be a long time before it overshadows the United Slates. C U.S. economists fear that China s economy is growing just aS the economy of the United States has begun slowing down. 39. In paragraph 1 look at the four squares that indicate where the following sentence would be added to the passage. Yet the United Slates is by no means the world s only economic dynamo. Where would the sentence best fit 10. In paragraph 3. look al he four squares that indicate where he following sentence would be added to the passage. Despite these similarities a number of important differences must be noted both in the two countries economies and their demographic bases. Where would the sentence best fit KAPLAN Copyrighted material Chapter I Reading IOS Question Type 10 Drag-n-Drop Summary Questions A drag-n-drop summary question asks you to choose three statements from a list of six possible .

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